What’s the most strangest objects discovered in space?

Certainly, here are some of the strangest objects discovered in space: 1. **Black Holes**: Regions of space with gravity so strong that nothing can escape. 2. **Neutron Stars**: Extremely dense remnants of collapsed stars. 3. **Magnetars**: Neutron stars with incredibly powerful magnetic fields. 4. **Quasars**: Bright, distant objects powered by massive black holes. 5. **Dark Matter**: Invisible matter that does not emit light or energy. 6. **Dark Energy**: A mysterious force accelerating the expansion of the universe. 7. **Rogue Planets**: Planets not orbiting any star, drifting through space. 8. **Brown Dwarfs**: Objects between the size of a planet and a star. 9. **Exoplanets with Extreme Conditions**: Planets with unusual compositions or weather. 10. **Hypervelocity Stars**: Stars moving fast enough to leave their galaxies. 11. **The Great Attractor**: A region in space pulling galaxies towards it. 12. **Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation**: Thermal remnants from the Big Bang. 13. **KIC 8462852 (Tabby's Star)**: A star with mysterious light fluctuations. 14. **Galactic Cannibalism**: Larger galaxies absorbing smaller ones. These discoveries represent some of the most puzzling and fascinating aspects of our universe.
Question by: DARKLIGHT